3 Signs You Have a Mice Infestation Problem

You’re sleeping in your home. You wake up and hear a noise. Sounds like tapping, but it’s not coming from your window or door. It’s coming from your walls. You check the other rooms. The house isn’t settling, and nobody has broken in… But...

5 DIY Methods Guaranteed to Catch Mice

Methods for getting rid of mice are like methods for getting rid of a cold: everyone has their own way of doing it, and nobody is sure if that approach truly works. Personally, we recommend you call us if you need help getting rid of mice. That being said, there are...

Why Are Mice so Hard to Get Rid Of?

This question is one we get often. The truth is that mice are difficult to eliminate for several reasons. One of the main reason is that they’re resourceful and far more clever than your average spider or cockroach. No matter how pristine your home may be, it is...