Anybody who has lived with bed bugs knows how difficult it is to get rid of them. Bed bugs have developed quite the reputation. Once they’re in a home some people give up before they’ve even tried any pest control. Over time, the bed bug has evolved into a creature that is equipped to withstand even the most effective treatments. To grasp why they’re so hard to control you must understand what anatomical features make bed bugs so evasive.


Small and Flat—Easy to Hide

Bed bugs are incredibly small. The insect is oval shaped and measures up to only 4 to 5 mm long, which is about the size of an apple seed. Their small size and flat shape make it easy for them to squeeze into the tiniest spaces. Bed bugs are capable of hiding in hard to reach spaces. To get rid of bed bugs you have to eliminate every bug, but when they’re able to access the best hiding spots you can’t target them.


Quick Reproduction

One bed bug can turn into one hundred bed bugs—fast. A female bed bug will lay about 500 eggs in her lifetime, and within a few months her offspring can begin reproducing. In one year, a small group of bed bugs can produce three to four generations in a year. Also, if you enjoy sleeping in cool temperatures you could be created the prime atmosphere for bed bug reproduction. Bed bugs reproduces quickly in temperatures between 70 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.


Feeding Can Wait

When some people find out they have bed bugs they think sleeping in another place will starve them. Unfortunately, bed bugs can go an incredibly long time without feeding. Studies show adult bed bugs can go up to 550 days without eating and nymphs for several months. Leaving your bedroom for a while won’t make your situation any better.


Pesticide Resistant

Over the past few years bed bug populations have developed a resistance to deltamethrin and beta-cyfluthrin, which are two of the most popular pesticides on the market. Scientist studied bed bugs with this resistance and their research showed these bugs have developed multiple genetic defenses against these pesticides. The three genes that can bind to, deactivate and break down insecticides were found at extreme levels in bed bugs. This evolutionary advantage makes bed bug pest control a hard fight.
