When termites find a wooden structure to feast on they’re determined to chow down! How fast they eat wood depends on several factors. On its own a single termite could eat through a 1,000 square foot home in 3,144 years. Unfortunately termites don’t eat alone, and always live in colonies. To understand how quickly termites destroy your home it’s important to understand what circumstances termites can thrive under and why certain settings are beneficial.
Termite colonies will move at different speeds based on environmental conditions. Colonies survive best under certain conditions, so when the setting is right more termites can live, grow and reproduce. Termites destroy in hot and humid environments. Humid conditions provide the moisture termites need to stay alive. In less humid environments they are more likely to dry out and die. It is extremely important to address any leaks or standing pools of water around your home. The source of moisture can attract termites and help them work a lot faster.
Termites can survive in a variety of conditions and temperatures but they work best in the heat. Their activity generally slows down during the winter or in colder environments. In Louisiana, it is usually warm for an extended period of the year, meaning here they can work quite fast. Be most vigilant during the warm months of the year so you can catch an infestation early on.
The Age of the Colony
It takes some time for a new colony to grow and get to full strength. The king and queen need to reproduce several times before their colony can reach its full potential. However, an existing colony can produce a large amount of damage quickly. A new colony can have about 100,000 workers at the ready, but an older colony can have about 2 million termites. With about 2 million termites working in the right condition they can cause significant damage within the first few months. A home can be totally destroyed in a year or two.