Your indoor plants aren’t as safe as you may think.


Though pest attacks are common in outdoor gardens, indoor plant owners can fall victim as well. Preventing an attack is all about observation. We’ve outlined a list of the most common houseplant pest control problems and how to identify them so you can stay vigilant.



Aphids suck sap from new, soft plant growth then cluster around the tips of a plant, ready to attack any part. They can be found under leaves and are typically green, but some appear black or gray. Plants that are attacked by aphids may become infected with a disease or virus.


Treating aphids is surprisingly quite simple: grab a spray bottle of warm soapy water, mist the areas of the plants where aphids are typically spotted, then wait five minutes before washing off the soapy mixture.


Red Spider Mites

Red Spider Mites are arguably the most difficult houseplant pests to treat. They are part of the arachnid family; however, they don’t feed on flies. Instead, they suck the liquid out of plant leaves to survive. They web unique routes around the plant to make the freshest leaves easy to access. Using water and humidity to your advantage is the best way to treat your plant. Mist your plants regularly or pop them in the shower once a week to rinse off the webbing.



Mealybugs damage plants by sucking sap from the leaves and roots. They resemble furry white woodlice and are related to scale insects. In a short period of time, they can inflict serious damage and cause the leaves of the plant to drop off. As soon as you spot them, knock them off the plant with a shake, poke, or with a spritz of water. If the infestation grows, try using products that contain natural fatty acids to thwart mealybugs.
