In the colder months, some unfortunate homeowners will come in contact with the House Mouse. Usually residing in grassy fields or wooded areas, the House Mouse will find warmer shelters wherever they can. Search for food and warmth can be blamed for the mouse’s relocation. The mouse can get through the tiniest of openings, using pipes, gaps beneath doors, and utility lines. ¼ of an inch is all it takes. To put it into perspective, if a #2 pencil can fit through a hole, so can the House Mouse.


There are many indicators of a House Mouse infestation. Where there are mice, there are droppings. These droppings are usually rod shaped and pointed at each end. Another sign is evidence of chewing or gnawing. The House Mouse will chew on his or her frequently travelled pathway, sometimes leaving behind shavings from the chewing. Teeth marks along these pathways are also a sure-fire sign. Odor is another way to determine if you have an infestation. The male House Mouse will leave behind urine as a way of attracting females or warning off other male mice. And lastly, but most obviously, if you hear scurrying or scratching in your walls or see a mouse dart across an uncommonly used area of your house, you have a House Mouse. Making sure no food is left out and dishes are always cleaned right after eating is a great preventative for keeping mice out of your house. If there is no food to be eaten, the mice will find another residence. Sealing gaps and entryways into your home will also make it harder for the House Mouse to move in. However, when an infestation is already present, preventative methods prove inept.

If you have one or more of the above signs of a House Mouse infestation, Call Arrow Today! Let Arrow professionally handle your mouse problem for you. This holiday season, Arrow is offering 10% off new rodent treatments!

